Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Emily and Mozzy

A bit more done to Emily....

and a start on Mozzy, this is a friend of mine's horse at a dressage competition they did a couple of years ago, it's going to be a big one .....

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Sketch in progress of Charlie, Millie and Thea, (past and present pets) from some very difficult photos.

Thea in progress...

and finished....

This is a rough sketch of Charlie...

I will post the end result soon.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Emily and Hovis

Some more oil paintings I'm working on, albeit slowly as there's not a lot done during the summer holidays, (I have two lovely distracting children!)

First Emily, just the sketch with background....

Rough tones and blocks of colour.

This is Hovis, I don't like the background, think it will have to be re-done.

Charcoal drawings

A couple of charcoal drawings of photos I took at the Heathfield show....

First Post...

I have decided to start a blog as a diary of how my recent, (or past) projects come about.

We are starting with Woody, an oil portrait I finished a couple of weeks ago...

I think this is the first picture I took of him, as you can see the basic sketch is there along with the background and his eyes.

Now the basic tones of the face are there, except for the nose.

We have a nose...(awful photo, sorry).

Finishing off.
and the final Portrait: