Saturday, 19 October 2013

DIY Mahl stick...

Mahl sticks, why so expensive?

So, after giving up trying to find an affordable one or one that was big enough I decided to make one...(well, two actually).

Here they are:

Good Eh?
Here's how I made them...

  • Timber offcuts in shed
  • Husbands pingpong balls, (he won't notice until spring)
  • Bit of pipe insulation, (anything soft would do, eg. sponge)
  • Ductape
  • Chamois leather, (husband won't notice until he cleans car!)
  • Leather laces I found round the house, (string or elastic band would do)
So...first step, cut a hole in the pingpong ball and stick it on your sawn to length timber...

Then take the pipe insulation and tape it round the ball...
Then tape it securely to the stick...
Next cover it with the chamois leather and secure, cutting any loose bits...
Ta da......
Quite pleased with that.


  1. Catherine, I made a mahl stick following your DIY and it came out great! Just what I needed! Thank-you for sharing this.
